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ContactMedical template Fancy Bricks
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<script> // SOURCE: document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => { // Query all the wrappers const wrappers = document.querySelectorAll('.medical__slide'); // Stop the function if there is no sync slider if (wrappers.length < 1) return; // Debounce function const debounce = (fn, threshold) => { var timeout; threshold = threshold || 200; return function debounced() { clearTimeout(timeout); var args = arguments; var _this = this; function delayed() { fn.apply(_this, args); } timeout = setTimeout(delayed, threshold); }; }; // Init function const init = (mainSliderId, thumbSliderId) => { const main = bricksData.splideInstances[mainSliderId], thumbnail = bricksData.splideInstances[thumbSliderId]; // Mount the sync slider main.sync(thumbnail); }; // Loop into each wrapper wrappers.forEach(wrapper => { // Set the ID of the main slider const mainSlider = wrapper.querySelector('.medical__slide__main'); // Check if the main slider class is correctly set if (!mainSlider) return console.log('No .slide04__main class found'); const mainSliderId = mainSlider.dataset.scriptId; // Set the ID of the thumb slider const thumbSlider = wrapper.querySelector('.medical__slide__thum'); // Check if the thumb slider class is correctly set if (!thumbSlider) return console.log('No .slide04__thumnail class found'); const thumbSliderId = thumbSlider.dataset.scriptId; // Run the function on load setTimeout(() => { init(mainSliderId, thumbSliderId); }, 0); // Rerun the function on resize because bricks reinit the sliders on each resize event window.addEventListener("resize", debounce(() => { init(mainSliderId, thumbSliderId); }, 300)); }); }); </script>